22 Irrational Everyday Occurrences That Everyone Experiences

18. Hearing A Noise In The House, Immediately Accepting Death

Scary Movie 2 Brenda Mutate Her White Ass And Leave Gif Gif

Your logical self knows that the slight bang from the kitchen was the boiler going off but when you're all alone and you unfortunately watched a scary movie a few weeks before, there is no time for logic and fear takes over. You think of all of the things that you should have done with your life and all of the people that you'll never be able to see again. You'll then have an accident in your pants when your mum comes into your room with some tea and toast and you scream in her face because you assumed she was the axe murderer who had broken into your house a few moments before.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com