22 Problems Only People From The North East Will Understand

15. Seagulls Stealing Your Pasty

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmqNpjjIIRQ Alfred Hitchcock, eat your heart out. If you're a citizen of South Shields, you will be fully aware of "The Birds": and by birds, we mean alarming flocks of seagulls with an insatiable love for Greggs pasties. One girl who works in Kings Street told the Telegraph (yes, this was in the news): "They are horrible. I once saw one land on a man's head. It just reached over and grabbed his pasty out of his hand then flew off." Beware, Shields shoppers: if you're planning on tucking into a scrumptious Chicken Bake, do it indoors. Hide your children, and more importantly, hide your delicious pastries.
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