22 Things You'll Definitely Experience Working In A Call Centre

15. People Will Curse Your Entire Family For Ringing After 6pm

Whether you're ringing people for a survey or to give them a year's supply of free puppy cuddles and chocolate, there is literally no excuse in a client's eyes for you ringing them after 6pm. And how dare you have the audacity to work on weekends. Regardless of what time your work actually shuts, or the client goes to bed, there is some sort of unwritten rule that you can't ever ring after the magical time of 6pm in case you "disturb them". So that means you have a window of roughly 6 minutes between them getting home from the commute and the curtain coming down before they skin you alive down the phone. Seems reasonable.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com