23 Problems Only People With Celiac Disease Will Understand

2. Doctors Not Taking You Seriously

There is no rule book for Celiac Disease. Even when you go gluten free, there's still a multitude of problems you just can't put your finger on: funnily enough, neither can your doctor. In time, you start feeling like you're complaining about the same old things and getting absolutely nowhere. Ann Wigmore once said: "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." Maybe the medical profession should take notice of this? Fortunately for people in the UK, a gluten-free prescription is available. This is limited to gluten free breads, pastas, pizza bases etc - all very nice - but processed with even more chemicals, binders and sugar than the normal stuff. What about vitamins and health foods on prescription? You know, Earth's natural goods that are proven to be the best medicine for autoimmune disease? Not to start a slamming spree on doctors, but Celiac support has a long way to go.

1. Holey Bread: The Never-ending Struggle

Just what are the companies doing with their GF bread? 90% of the loaves you buy look like they've been delivered to the shelves via World War 3. Top GF blogger, Gluten Dude, highlights this problem with Udi's in particular; but they aren't the only manufacturers to be plagued with the gaping holes. It's not often you'll find any loaf that doesn't have a few fallen soldiers in the pack, and when you're paying three times as much for a GF loaf, it's bound to turn you Hulk-ish. Have you experienced the non-religious form of holy bread? What other difficulties have you encountered since adopting a gluten free life? Feel free to share your thoughts, tips, or Celiac problems in the comments below!
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell