24 Problems Only People From Cheshire Will Understand

6. Having No Opinion On Cheshire Cheese Despite It Being Our Primary Cultural Export

All you can really say about it is either, €œYeah, it€™s quite nice€, or €œNot really into cheese, mate€. It€™s the most notable culinary export of our fair county, and it€™s basically the same as Lancashire cheese. In fact, as the British Cheese Board website helpfully points out: €œCrumbly Lancashire was created around 50 years ago when cheese factories in Lancashire demanded a younger, less expensive cheese that could compete with competitors such as Cheshire, Caerphilly and Wensleydale.€ Cheshire cheese, by contrast, is mentioned in the Domesday Book. So, you know, there€™s that.
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Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.