25 Problems Only Backpackers In Southeast Asia Will Understand

10. Trying To Get Off The Beaten Track Only To Find It's Nearly Impossible

Everyone wants to do something different when they hit Southeast Asia, and yet everybody very much ends up doing the same. Why? Because the region has been designed specifically to cater to tourists and backpackers - trying to steer clear of all that is something akin to an exercise in futility.

9. Wanting To Buy All The Awesome Cheap Stuff But Having Nowhere To Put It

This backpack is heavy enough without a bunch of fake watches in it, ya'll.

8. Constantly Worrying About Missing Out And Never Having Any Alone Time As A Result

You'd love to just sit down and read that book that's been taking up room in your backpack for weeks, but then you look unsocial. So you'll head down to the communal area and sit around chatting ideally for hours instead for fear of missing out, even though the only thing you could possibly be missing out on is sitting around chatting ideally for hours. "I'll conquer you one day, Bleak House."

7. Feeling Like You Should Go Out Every Night (Despite Being Totally Exhausted)

You've been out eighteen nights in a row, and now your body hates you. But you can't possibly sit in your dorm room for the evening, can you? That would just be silly. You're travelling! Not sitting!

6. Living In Constant Fear That Your Money & Passport Will Be Stolen

And only because people are endlessly telling you to watch out for thieves no matter where you go. Plus, your money and passport just got stolen.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.