25 Problems Only People From Morpeth Will Understand

13. Being On The Periphery Of Anything Interesting

It's rarely quiet in the North East of England but anything major of note seemingly avoids Morpeth. Nothing happens. EVER. There's two ways to look at this. Morpeth is some sort of safe-haven where everyone knows each other's name and gets along, or, it's so incredibly boring. So many times 'Peth has been on the periphery of a huge news story that has dominated the national, and sometimes international press. We've had the odd train crash and a tractor even spilt its load of hay a couple of years back, but nothing that got the country talking. Take the Raoul Moat incident from 2010. The residents of neighbouring Rothbury, a mere stones throw from Morpeth, got all of the action that a gunman on the loose brings. The story, the searching, the wondering, the worrying and the climactic standoff. All Morpeth got was a bunch of pestering police officers, throwing you out of your own car to have a look for the wanted man.
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Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.