If you watch television long enough, youll eventually see an ad for a personal injury lawyer, or as the derisive term calls it, an ambulance chaser. Sometimes its a tough-talking gruff individual who claims that he got some huge sum for his clients after they were involved in a traffic accident or suffered from medical malpractice. Sometimes its an appeal to a group of people who might have taken some drug that proved to have bad side effects (like death) to join a class action lawsuit. Some offer to get you your back pay/Social Security/child support/inheritance that you have yet to receive, and all are responsible for the - frankly justified - stereotype of Americans suing each other over every little thing. There's one thing youre not going to hear on the commercial; how big their cut of your settlement is.
19. Paid Prescription Drugs
Keep watching television in the US, especially news and sports shows, and youll see ads for various medications as well. These range from "male enhancement aids" to drugs to treat various physical conditions and others to treat various psychological conditions. They show the subjects doing normal everyday things, like going on family outings, when that problem rears its ugly head, the same way the British might market cold medications and other things not covered on the NHS. Two things about them: they tend to be about 30 seconds too long and they all have the most horrible list of required disclaimers that they quickly read off before getting back to how happy their subjects are for having taken the drugs - though presumably not for having to remortgage their homes to cure a head-ache.