25 Things Only People From Yorkshire Will Understand

17. We All Have A Bit Of Wallace In Us

Get off me cheese! If there's a fictional character we can relate best to in terms of good scran, it's Wallace. A true Yorkshireman: there's never a moment he doesn't have the kettle on and a plate of cheese and crackers in reach. Did someone say Wensleydale? His only fault - he's obsessed with Lancashire hotpots. Come on Wallace lad, that's practically blasphemy! Get a chip butty down yer and all will be forgiven.

16. Complaining About How Much Better Life Was "Back Int' Day" At The Grand Old Age Of 19

Ah. Back int' day we didn't get Facebook timeline unexpectedly, we got Polio. If you wanted a nose job you did cocaine and COD was just a fish. Bloody whippersnappers.

15. Making An Absolute Fool Of Yourself In The Dracula Experience

Go to the Dracula Experience, they said. It'll be fun, they said. When there's kids going in - it can't be that scary, right? Until you start walking through and absolute panic fills your entire body. There's no claustrophobia like being trapped in a set of corridors with no apparent exit. What's more, you PAID for this terror. Okay, so we're scaredy pants. The Dracula Experience is actually a fantastically brilliant tour of the Dracula story and his connection with Whitby, and if you haven't been already, you should definitely give it a go. Just take a spare pair of pants.

14. You Can Keep Your Greggs

We got Cooplands, mofos! It's cheaper than Greggs, and it's damn nicer too. Sausage sarnies TO DIE FOR.

13. This Is A Pikelet

What is this "crumpet" you speak of? Mek us a brew and whack out the pikelets!

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell