26 Most London Things That Have Ever Happened

6. When The "Walkie-Talkie" Got So Hot It Melted A Car

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuwYHz_dFb0 In London, we only want buildings that have the power to set things on fire. Otherwise, what's the point?

5. The Time The Spice Girls Arrived At The Olympics In Black Cabs

So here's the story from A to Z... yes, the Spice Girls - who are like the female Beatles or something, right? - emerged from black cabs at the Olympics to sing a few tunes, making for one of all-time OMG moments in London music history.

4. This Moment Of Great British Irony...

Just our bloody luck! And what a waste of valuable signage. Still, that's what we get for being a nation of irony-lovers, we guess.

3. This Instance of Boris Johnson On A Bike Near Big Ben

Could you possibly get any more London than the Mayor of the city, on a bicycle, just across from Big Ben? And with a little helmet, too! We think not.

2. The Top Gear Presenters Driving A Tank Through The Streets

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNF9QOFxmOA The point, you ask? Well, just 'cause, really. That's how we roll in London. In tanks.
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