34 Everyday Encounters That Will Always Be Excruciatingly Awkward

2. Watching A Sex Scene With Your Parents

This will never be okay. For all of those people that went to go and see 50 Shades Of Grey with their mothers, how? Literally, how could you do that to yourself and to each other? As far as your parents are aware you're still a virgin and you have no idea what sex is because the idea of them knowing that you're doing it is just mortifying. Every film now conveniently has some sort of sexual checklist that producers need to tick off and they will just spring them out of nowhere and before you know it, an innocent night in with your parents has resulted in a whole family feeling completely awkward because you've all just seen some guy whip his willy out and shove it in someone's face.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com