5 Attractions Universal Orlando Should've Kept

4. Island Skipper Tours

Island Skipper Tours1 Island Skipper Tours opened with the Islands of Adventure park in 1999 and was a very basic boat ride. Boats hosted by Universal employee "skippers" traveled across the epicentre lagoon of the park and were accessible from both the Port of Entry and Jurassic Park areas. However, the ride was removed in 2001 due to upkeep cost. It was by no means an exciting ride but it offered an alternative route between two areas of the park and was a relaxing offering that everyone, including toddlers and the elderly, could enjoy - and that's a rare thing in a Universal theme park. It wasn't taking up any room that could've been used by a new attraction, as it was merely a boat in a massive lake and, as for the "upkeep cost", it's not as if Universal can't afford it. Its removal very much limits what certain demographics can do in the park all day.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.