5 Crazy Conspiracies About Ancient Egypt

3. There Is A Secret Room Underneath The Sphinx

For years, a vocal legion of conspiracy theorists believe the Sphinx is guarding information in an underground hidden room that catalogues and narrates human behaviour for thousands of years. They expect it to contain records of earlier civilisations, which according to theorists existed over 13,000 years ago before a huge extinction level event essentially caused the human race to start again from scratch.

Way back in the 600sBC Greek philosopher, Solon, even wrote in detail about a time he claims he went into the secret room underneath the Sphinx with a high priest of Ancient Egypt. This is supposedly where Solon learned of the story of Atlantis, which he eventually passed down to his descendent, Plato. The left paw of the Sphinx is also hollow and some theorists believe that this paw is the entrance to the hidden room that lies beneath.

Previously mentioned Robert Schoch returns to the fray once again here, as he actually proved there is a man made cavity underneath the Sphinx. During his last visit to the Sphinx in the 1990s, he and his team used sonar scanning devices to monitor the ground under it and showed that there is a rectangular cavity around 30-40 feet. However, as soon as Egyptian authorities discovered what they were doing, Schoch and his associates were thrown off the site and banned from continuing their work.

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