5 Locations That Look Good In The Movies (But Suck In Real Life)

2. London - There's No Hugh Grant Charm

The Movies Pretty much everything, though Richard Curtis movies tend to be the worst The Reality Richard Curtis films make London look like a delightful romp where the bumbling population fall in love with one another and overcome a variety of non-threatening, rather charming problems. But in reality the only bumblers you will find are the mobs of drunkards littering public transport desperate to drink enough Strongbow in time to make a rugby match bearable. Unfortunately the upper middle class posers that seemed so likeable on the big screen do exist, insufferably trotting around the underground, pretending to read while walking and wearing identical mustard coats. A London child is even worse, being as they are offensively intelligent and subsequently vein poppingly precocious. And what's worse, if you so much as look at a ticket gate in a way that suggests you may spend longer than three seconds passing through you're immediately labelled an out of towner by the black snotted Londoner. Which is the worst crime one can commit. Nowhere else in the UK matters. Can't we all just agree that the entire country is awful?

David is a freelance writer. He likes some pop culture things. Thank you reading this.