5 Most Horrifying Real Life Serial Killing Couples

5. Lawrence Bittaker And Roy Norris

Laurence Bittaker, born in Pennsylvania, and Ray Norris of Colorado, were both convicted criminals who got to know each other while serving time at California Men's Colony in 1977. Bittaker found himself incarcerated at this time for assault with intent to murder, Norris for rape - crimes which foreshadowed the killing duo's later modus operandi. It seems Bittaker recognized a depraved kindred spirit in Norris; when the two men were released, Lawrence Bittaker contacted Roy Norris and the two met. They formulated a plan to systematically kidnap and rape young women - they hoped to target one girl for each teenage year - in a van they purchased together. Between June and October 1979, the ruthless pair killed 5 young women and girls ranging from age 13 to 18. They were arrested after Bittaker confidently bragged to an ex-cell mate, who reported the killings to his lawyer.
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Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.