5 Reasons To Fly To Orlando With Norwegian

3. The Flight Times

Norwegian Seats
What Culture

If you've ever flown into Orlando International Airport you will know the nightmare that is the international Customs hall. As the airport continues to try and make major upgrades, for those arriving internationally the wait times to clear Customs can become tiresome and infuriating. Thanks to Norwegian's later flight time, this is not a problem for its passengers.

We left Gatwick at 14:55 and landed at 19:25, three hours later landing time than those taking British Airways and Virgin Atlantic (which arrive less than 30 minutes apart from each other). As we entered the Customs area, there wasn't a single other passenger from another flight waiting to enter. Our later landing meant that all those other passengers had already cleared customs and for us it was plain sailing.

We waited less than an hour to clear, get our bags and hop on to our shuttle. This compared drastically to the 2 hour wait time for customs that someone I knew had after a Virgin Atlantic flight had waited the previous day.

As to whether that later flight time impacted my trip, it made no difference. I'm often fighting to stay awake when I get there earlier, this time I could go to bed at a more appropriate time and beat the jet lag. I doubt most UK visitors to Orlando plan a busy night on their first night (hats off to you if you do). For me the furtherest I venture is to the hotel restaurant (or even grab some fast food on the drive) so this later arrival didn't effect my plans.

I was also much more awake than usual thanks to my comfy nap on the plane. These Boeing aircraft have better air-circulation and cabin pressure so help you fight off jet lag quicker, they also have huge windows, letting on more natural light and also gives you a chance to take some amazing sunset photos.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.