5 Sex 'Myths' That Are Totally True (And 4 'Facts' That Are Nonsense)
4. It Can Make You Go Blind
Surely this is one of those scare tactics to stop you doing bits to you bits, right?
Mostly, anyway.
Technically called Transient Monocular Blindness (Amaurosis Fugax) Associated with Sexual Intercourse, Bonk Blind for short, there have been a number of cases of people losing their vision - albeit temporarily - as a result of a ruddy good session of horizontal jogging.
Doctors are still not completely sure what causes this. The most likely explanation is a disturbance in the blood supply to the eyeball, either by vasoconstriction as a result of raised blood pressure (which is understandable given the circumstances). Alternatively, all of that blood-pumping exertion could have caused a fatty arterial plaque to come loose and make its way up to the eyeball.
Another possible explanation is that it's a judgement from your chosen deity, but the data is yet to come in on that one.