5 Sex 'Myths' That Are Totally True (And 4 'Facts' That Are Nonsense)

...And 4 'Facts' That Are Nonesense

4. Men And Women Have Different Sexual Peaks

Morning Sex


There's a "fact" floating around, that suggests that men and women's "sexual peaks" are out of whack. The general idea is that men peak at around the age of 18, but women don't hit their stride until much later.

Don't know about you, but that sounds like an excuse for blokes to fancy older women to me.

The myth finds is roots in the massive rush of testosterone that dudes get in their late teens and early twenties, which has the effect of popping boners all over the place.The idea that out-of-control bits equates to a sexual peak, however, is a false equivalence, and there's little evidence to suggest that there is any kind of "natural" peak that hits either gender.

The male/female divide is actually thought to be more of a social thing. Because we choose to frame sex education in the context of reproduction, girls tend to be educated about the dangers of sex, because they're the ones that end up getting lumbered with a poop-machine, and are rarely taught about the pleasurable side of it. For boys, however, the processes of pleasure and reproduction are more intertwined and they learn about both out of necessity.

It's thought that the reason women appear to hit their sexual "peak" later in life, is because that is when they become more confident, not due to some hormonal surge.

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