5 Things On Facebook That Really Shouldn't Bother You (But Totally Do)

4. Other People€™s Posts

What Facebook should be used for: Staying in contact with those whom you otherwise would never get the chance to speak with because of familial or locational reasons. What Facebook is actually used for: whining and complaining about how much the life of your privileged backside sucks. If anything, Facebook has lost what once made it a great resource and technological advancement, in favour of a load of vapid, self-serving egotists who feel the need to write down and let everyone know every single little detail about what's going on in their life. Naturally they complain immediately afterwards at their sudden and all-encompassing "lack of security". Word of caution to the not-so-wise: The second you post something on the internet, not just Facebook, the second it's out there permanently in one form or another. This is all to say that oftentimes people will get irritated and angry at the constant stream of posts, dull or otherwise that invade their newsfeeds. While yes many of the things that people seem to post are far bellow you atop your moral high horse, the best option is to delete them from your friends list. If what other people are posting annoys you, then just unfriend them.
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Philip Clarke is a 21-year old graduate of the SAIT Film and Video Production Program. He spends his days working on his novels and feature film screenplays. His favourite film is GoodFellas. He goes to the theatre to watch movies on a weekly basis to feed his cinematic addictions.