5 Things On Facebook That Really Shouldn't Bother You (But Totally Do)

2. Getting Likes Or A Lack Thereof

Many people post on Facebook in the hope that the more "likes" they get, the more people like them and think they're clever, etc.. However "likes" can be a double-edged store. When people don't get a ton of likes, they feel like everyone hates them. So then why do they continue to post all of the things they do, when their batting average is never up to snuff? There's a deeply sad psychological bent to why people obsess over something so trivial such as this. It's that deep down, the people who take "likes" so seriously have some deep-rooted desire to be popular and need the approval of others to make themselves feel better. It's terribly sad and unfortunate that that's the case, but it's true. The kinds of people that obsess over getting likes on statuses have a deep-seated need for people to think that they're witty, smart or clever. If the person is lucky enough, they'll even get people to "like" their comments about the status. Even worse than being dogged about statuses are the infernal and entirely unending desire to take and upload hundreds if not thousands of pictures. The people who take the exorbitant amount of "selfies" are simply put, closet narcissists. If people need others to "like" their photos to make themselves feel better due to a poorly low self-esteem, well then frankly that's just sad. Just don't take it so personally or don't post things if the lack of response or approval will just upset you. Problem solved right there.
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Philip Clarke is a 21-year old graduate of the SAIT Film and Video Production Program. He spends his days working on his novels and feature film screenplays. His favourite film is GoodFellas. He goes to the theatre to watch movies on a weekly basis to feed his cinematic addictions.