50 Ridiculous Ways You Didn't Know You Could Break The Law
10. South Dakota: It Is Illegal To Lie Down And Fall Asleep In A Cheese Factory
If people are falling asleep in cheese factories maybe you need to make your tours and staff more interesting, rather than getting them arrested.
9. Tennessee: It Is A Crime To Share Your Netflix Password
People share their Netflix password? Scandal! Terrible!
8. Texas: The Entire Encyclopedia Britannica Is Banned In Texas Because It Contains A Formula for Making Beer At Home
Well...the economy, y'know?
7. Utah: Birds Have The Right-Of-Way On Highways
No, after you, sir.
6. Vermont: Women Must Obtain Written Permission From Their Husbands To Wear False Teeth
Do they have to keep this permission with them at all times? What happens if they forget it, can their husbands vouch for it on the phone? These are the questions...
I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.