52 Most Powerful Images Of 2013

47. English Defence League March Through Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

More of a localised entry this, as our offices are based in Newcastle, and it was more than shocking to see yet another racism-fuelled march take place on our front door.

46. Rambo-Style Los Angeles Manhunt For Chris Dorner Lasts Two Weeks

Disgraced officer-turned-gunman Chris Dorner brought on an almost Hollywood-esque manhunt, combining letters to police and a shootout in a log cabin before being brought down.

45. Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Episode Combines All Doctors In One

'The Day of The Doctor' was a feather-tipped arrow from the BBC straight to the hearts of Doctor Who fans everywhere, combining actors and archive footage to allow every doctor to be present in one episode.

44. Breaking Bad Ends On An Unprecedented High

Cult-series-turned-everybody-must-watch show Breaking Bad quintupled its viewing figures throughout the final season to a 10.3 million-watched finale, tying everything together perfectly.

43. Boston Bomber Kills Three In Horrific Attack

Three lives were lost and 264 people were injured during a marathon in Boston as three explosives detonated across the running strip, prompting frantic police to accidentally knock an old man to the ground when attending the scene.
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Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.