52 Most Powerful Images Of 2013

32. Uproar Over Fracking Continues

Fracking, or 'Hydraulic Fracturing' is the process of using large volumes of water to pummel the earth and extract valuable gasses. Understandably there has been an environmental uproar.

31. Bahraini Protestor Engulfed In Flames

During a violent confrontation between Government forces and a Bahraini opposition, a protestor's petrol bomb was shot, igniting him instantly.

30. Worst Storm In Years Smashes Britain

As the O-Zone layer continues to be in tatters, the worst storm in 26 years battered the living daylights out of Britain's shores and flooded the mainland.

29. Typhoon Haiyan Destroys....Everything

Whereas over in the Philippines things were much worse as a cyclone destroyed thousands of lives in December.

28. Northern Lights Continue To Be Magnificent

Not much of a story here, just a brilliant image! The Northern Lights as seen from Norway in March of last year.
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Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.