52 Most Powerful Images Of 2013

22. Meteor Explodes Over Russia

In footage that looked like some B-roll from disaster movie 2012, a meteor came to Earth before exploding over Russia and landing in a nearby lake, exploding and injuring 100 people through soundwave-shattered windows.

20. Train Robber Ronnie Biggs Passes Away

36 year fugitive and The Great Train Robber himself, Ronnie Biggs eventually passed away after leading an extraordinary life of crime and deviance on a ridiculously grand scale.

19. The Rolling Stones Headline Glastonbury

After 50 years in the game, the legendary Rolling Stones took to the headline slot for the first time ever, delivering a solid set of material that commanded fans and newcomers alike.

18. Rolf Harris Undergoes Accusations Of Child Abuse

In a world where everybody from a certain band's frontman to everybody's favourite TV personality Rolf Harris is being hauled in for child sex allegations, how much crazier can things get in 2014?
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Gaming Editor

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