6 Reasons Donald Trump Of The Past Would Hate Donald Trump Today

3. Gun Rights

Gun rights are innate within the social and political fabric of the United States. Owning a gun is a birthright to some, a civic duty to many more. Supporters thank their Founding Fathers for installing a safeguard, the Second Amendment, which protects their right to bear arms. Well, actually it notes a well-regulated militia has the right to protect a free state through firearms, but let€™s not take our eye off the target. Weapon entitlements are safe for now, and many applaud this notion. As a result, firearms have saturated nearly every facet of American life; reports show there is nearly one gun for every American citizen (over 300 million firearms in total). As a result of the proliferation of guns, mass shootings have become an all too common and predictable part of everyday life in the U.S. With these slayings often comes a public debate about background checks, waiting periods, accessibility, etc. As such, politicians and public figures are forced to take a side on gun rights. Donald Trump is no exception. Younger Trump supported the ban on assault weapons and called for a longer waiting period for firearm purchases. He noted that Democrats were wrong on the issue because they wanted to take away all the guns, and that Republicans were similarly incorrect because they kowtow to the National Rifle Association (NRA). A decade later, and competing against other gun-ho candidates, Trump now applauds firearm enthusiasts. Last week, Donald claimed he was a lifetime member of the NRA and that the organization€™s effort to stop limitations on all weapons was invaluable. He continued, saying he opposes gun control and staunchly backs the Second Amendment. When asked about his earlier support on the assault weapons ban, he responded by claiming that the popular AR15, a semi-automatic rifle, is not an assault weapon. Trump is correct, as the rifle fires one shot for every squeeze of the trigger. Although, the AR15 can unload between 50-60 rounds a minute and was the firearm of choice for both Adam Lanza in Newtown, Connecticut and James Holmes in Colorado, killing 39 in total. It is sold as the closet thing to an assault rifle a civilian can get, and is eerily similar to the M16 assault rifle. Not by coincidence, the military-issued M16 is an adaptation of the AR 15. Technicalities aside, the AR 15 can do a substantial amount of damage in a smaller amount of time€”and Trump knows this. He attempts to pettifog the issue and pass blame to Democrats who, he suggests, take away things American love. The Left is wrong because they are against the majority, infers Trump. Though, that€™s what real leaders do: Make hard decisions that are unpopular for some but benefit society as a whole. And they don€™t change their beliefs to gin up support.
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Donald Trump
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