7 Doomsday Scenarios You Probably Shouldn't Worry About (And 2 You Really Should)

1. Superbugs

superbugs bacteria
It's Okay To Be Smart/Youtube

Hey, you know what's no fun at all? Superbugs.

Antibiotic resistance doesn't tend to make the headlines. It's not as cool as an alien invasion or sexy as an asteroid impact, but rest (un)assured, it's far more deadly and way more unpleasant.

We've only really begun to win the war on disease in the last 70 years or so with the advent of antibiotics and already the bugs are fighting back. The problem is that antibiotics, whilst allowing us to live our lives free from the fear of dying from an infected flesh wound, they also create their own worst enemy. As we kill off the weaker strains of bacteria, the stronger ones are resisting the pharmaceutical onslaught and gettin' busy. When these strong bacteria reproduce, they create an army of bacteria also capable of resisting treatment and, suddenly, we're back in the Dark Ages again.

The worst bit is, the more you use them, the worse it gets. Actually no, the worst bit is that many experts think it might already be too late to stop it.

It is predicted that if action is not taken is that our current antibiotics will become ineffective as soon as the year 2050, killing 300 million people and costing $100 trillion.

Basically, we'll be back to the bad old days of uncontrollably pooping ourselves to death. This is the we the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

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