7 Foods You Won't Believe Are Illegal In The US (And Why)

2. Casu Marzu

Kinder Egg
Wikimedia Commons

Those with a weak stomach might want to read this entry with caution, as the thought of this dish might be enough to get you feeling queasy. If you've never heard of this dish before, then you might be shocked to learn what it is and that it's considered a delicacy, but you won't be surprised to see it on this list.

Casu martzu is a cheese that is fermented past degradation. This is done by placing maggot larvae into the cheese and allowing them to consume it, causing it to grow softer. When it comes to consuming the dish, it's intended to be eaten as a whole, with the live maggots being an integral part of the meal.

Still, for those who aren't so keen on eating live maggots, there's also the option to place the cheese in a bag and suffocate them. Once they are all dead and you no longer hear the sounds of them hitting against the bag, you can take it out and chow down.

As you can probably expect, there are enormous health risks in consuming maggots, which is why the dish is banned in both the EU and the USA. But there probably aren't many people protesting against that.

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