7 Medical Conditions That Seem Supernatural

4. Fugue State

A fugue state is a psychiatric disorder that causes amnesia, affecting personality, memories and specific character traits of a person€™s individuality. Yes, it sounds like having a teenager in your house; however, the condition can be far more devastating than black clothes and Swedish death metal. Generally, the state is short lived, lasting only hours to days, but it can also last months. Post-recovery, the patient€™s previous memories return but amnesia of the episode remains. Individuals that suffer from this condition may find themselves wandering aimlessly far from home or work, suffering from distress. They may not know who they are or they may take on another identity completely, which explains the entire Sasha Fierce episode. All kidding aside, patients in a fugue state are at a risk for injury or worse. This disorder impacts not only the patients, but also their families and the community who emotionally invest in searches and recovery efforts. The fugue states harkens back to an H.P. Lovecraft short story, The Shadow Out of Time, in which the main character is the victim of a €œbody swap€ with an alien. When an individual is in this state he will not recognize family or friends and will have no sense of personality, much like the victims in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Without any memories of the fugue episode, a person is left to imagine what may or may not have happened, much as abductees are left to wonder. There is no medication for the treatment of a fugue disorder. Patients are treated through psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, and cognitive therapy to focus on changing dysfunctional behaviours. Family therapy is also helpful to assist the family with coping and also recognising a relapse.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.