7 Most Bizarre Underwater Discoveries Nobody Can Explain

5. Long Lost Locomotives

Creepy Underwater Sculpture
History Channel

When Paul Hepler, the captain of the charter boat Venture III, was mapping out the ocean floor off the coast of New Jersey in 1985, he made a bizarre discovery. Sat perfectly upright on the seabed, around 90 feet down, were two rare locomotives.

Subsequent dives revealed the trains to be Planet Class 2-2-2 T models, some of the oldest steam trains ever built in the United states, but how they ended up at the bottom of the sea is anybody's guess.

More than 20 dives and countless hours of research have been invested in the so-called New Jersey deep-sea train graveyard, yet their full origin remains a mystery.

There have been countless theories on this very subject, the most likely explanation being that they blew off a transportation ship during a storm, but since there's no record of them being lost, this idea has to be filed under 'speculation' for now.

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