Back in 1997, a strange noise was picked up on instruments across the Pacific. It was loud enough to be heard over at least 5,000km of ocean and at such a low frequency that only something truly enormous could have made it. Which, perhaps understandably, caused a lot of people to go down the "giant ancient sea monster" route in their imaginations. If you listen to the recording, it certainly sounds like some kind of giant Cthulhu fart ... but what most people fail to remember is that the recording is sped up to 16 times its normal speed in order to make it audible. The original recording wouldn't have sounded anything like the audio that has since spread like wildfire through paranormal blogs. Well, you'll be pleased to know that you can go back in the water again, because the Bloop "mystery" has been "solved". It was just an icequake - the sudden shifting of glacial ice that sent a shockwave through the ocean. Listen to it at it's regular speed (around halfway through the video above) and it sounds much more like creaking ice than the hunting call of a wandering sea beast. You'll notice the judicious use of quotation marks there, because the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have stated that they pretty much always thought it was an icequake, there was never any serious discussion of it being some giant sea creature, because they know what icequakes sound like (clue: they sound like the Bloop). The idea that it was some "unsolved mystery" seems to have mainly come from the imaginations excitable internet dwellers.