7 Problems Only ADHD Sufferers Can Relate To

3. Panic And Lose Sight Completely When You Need To Find Something NOW

If you have to be somewhere in 10 minutes and need to find your car keys, you will never find it in time. Why? Because panicking about a situation makes it 100 times worse for an A.D.D or A.D.H.D sufferer. You will rush and look for said item, but not see it. It€™s like a selective blindness suddenly comes over you and even if you REALLY try and focus hard, 99% of the time, you still won€™t find it. Family members and friends have already learnt (wrongly, of course) that you're "careless", so will probably yell at you to get your backside moving when they need you to find something. So, in your panicked state you try and find it to avoid a fight. There's no need to rush, ladies and gentlemen, that fight'll be there.
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"Don't take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway." Twitter: @GrungyUnicorn Instagram: https://instagram.com/mlgabriel22/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mlgabrielwriting