7 Stupidest Things To Have Ever Happened In Space

7. Throwing A Turd

Although poop technology for the space age has grown considerably, come along by leaps and bounds (as we will see), it started from an extremely humble origin. The brave men of the crew of Apollo 10 had one of the most technologically advanced vehicles known to humanity. Their bathroom arrangements were no different, and of equal technical measure. The three men each had a plastic bag, which they would tape to their buttocks. Unfortunately, the tape wasn't particularly good at being a buttock adhesive and the force of some astronauts ejections would sometimes cause the bag to fly away, leaving an astronaut mid-strain (now simply floating through an extremely small space with two friends, wearing nothing below the waist), a piece of excrement, and a floating bag filled with other bits of excrement all barrelling around a room no bigger than a large cupboard. The fun didn't stop there! No, no! So used were the astronauts to these poop based hijinks and japes, that one of the three men in the crew (although it was never revealed which) found an extremely amusing pastime six days into the eight day mission. Here, in there own words, are the brave men of Apollo 10. "Give me a napkin, quick," Stafford says. "There's a turd floating through the air." "I didn't do it," Young says. "It ain't one of mine." "I don't think it's one of mine," Cernan says. "Mine was a little more sticky than that," Stafford replies. "Throw that away." A few moments later and the mysterious turd tosser is at it again! "Here's another goddam turd," Cernan says. "What's the matter with you guys?" Well, it can't all be defining moments in human endeavour, can it?
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.