7 Theories About You That Will Make You Question Everything

1. You're Alive, But Made Of Dead Stuff

Rick Grimes Zombie

Speaking of death, scientists are still struggling with defining death, and therefore life, anyway.

One of the major reasons why scientists find the concept of "life" so difficult to define is that, on a fundamental level, there isn't much difference between "living" and "dead" things.

You are made up of cells, which we think of as living, but they essentially work like tiny robots and are incapable of any thought, decision making or "experience". The cells themselves, however, are made of completely non-living material and no part of it is alive until makes up a whole.

We know that you can't sew together dead body parts and get a living monster, so how do you put together a blob of dead material and get a living cell? What's more, how do you put these Frankenstein cells together and get a living, breathing, thinking being?

As our technology advances, we're even finding that many computer programmes, viruses for example, actually fulfill most of our criteria for what constitutes life, yet we instinctively feel that this is somehow different.

We're just not sure how.

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