7 Things You Think About When A Stranger Asks You Out At Starbucks

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670px Get Someones Phone Number Step 09 2 Opt Out of the corner of your eye, you see him re-emerge. His wheel's are clacking faster than before. He's holding something out in front of him. A business card. He thrusts it towards the side of your face as you barely get time to look up from your iPad. He's nervous. "If you ever want to get coffee sometime. Soon." You grin beyond stupidly. "Thanks." :-) :-) :-) You're playing it cool and grinning and exploding all at the same time. You see his grin, too, before his wheel's clack off in the other direction again. It's all a blur and you can't even remember what he looked like. You look at his card. Alumnus. Cute, cute and cuter. He has a card? Why don't I have a card? How long do you leave it before you call him? You get out your phone to text everybody.
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