7 Things You Should Never Say To A Scientist

2. Not All Scientists Agree About Climate Change

climate change protest

Speaking of controversy and the nonexistence thereof, the climate change consensus is just that: A consensus.

The well known statistic that "97% of experts agree that man-made climate change is real" is, for some reason, not convincing enough (whereas "this one guy reckons vaccines cause autism" is just fine). People tend to think that the figure is wrong or made up or they focus on the 3%.

That 97%, it should be clarified, is amongst experts and not the entire scientific community. A common tactic used by climate change deniers is to include non-experts in their statistics - it would be like getting your barber's opinion on your fillings and then saying your dentist is an idiot. Additionally, a number of the studies that found that climate change is not man made were funded by, surprise surprise, the fossil fuel industry.

The climate change "debate" is an invention of non-scientists and politicians with a vested interest in keeping those fossil fuels burning. Amongst the experts, there is no debate: It's happening, and it's us.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.