7 Times We Really Thought We'd Found Aliens

5. The 234 Bizarre Stars

Stars hubble

In the quest for alien life, one signal is exciting enough, two is incredible, but 234 is unbelievable.

Scientists think they may have detected just that. In studying a set of stars, they found a cluster of 234 that appear to be sending out a barrage of signals that look suspiciously like they might have been sent by intelligent beings.

These 234 stars also all happen to belong to the categories of stars most similar to our own sun so, seeing as we know for a fact that life has sprung up once in these conditions, it could have happened again. Or 234 times.

Of course, as tempting as it is to leap to "aliens", all other possibilities have to be ruled out first before we launch a diplomatic space fleet. Fingers crossed.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.