7 Ways Humans Might Evolve In The Future

3. Smaller Brains

Small Brain

It might seem disturbing, but it looks like our brains are actually smaller than they used to be. Despite the fact that we think we're pretty smart these days, what with our Fitbits and particle accelerators, it is estimated that we've lost nearly a fist-sized portion of brain in the last 20,000 years or so.

Whether or not this is a trend that is set to continue, largely relies on what is causing the shrinkage. If, as some suggest it might be, the reduction was caused by a change in our diets when we made the shift from hunter-gatherers to farmers, then it might not be something we have to worry about. It's thought that the sudden dip in protein as our diets became grain-based caused our noggins to wither a bit. However, some experts reckon that the shrinkage is an efficiency issue.

A smaller brain actually works much more efficiently than a big'un, because the signals zapping through it have less distance to travel. So, depending one what is causing us to shed brain cells, we could all end up with teeny tiny heads in future.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.