7 Ways Science Will Help You Get Laid

3. Look At Their Ring Finger ... Length

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If you want to tell whether or not you should date a guy, look at his fingers. Not to check for signs of a wedding ring, but to gague the levels of testosterone that he was exposed to while still in the womb, of course. Nothing sexier than that.

As weird as it sounds, scientists have found that the length of the ring finger is somehow linked to the attractiveness of a man. As high testosterone levels are linked to higher sperm counts, increased fertility, good cardiovascular health, symmetrical faces and better genes, you're more likely to find them attractive on a very primal level.

Proceed with caution, however, as those with elevated testosterone levels are also likely to be more aggressive, promiscuous and even at higher risk of diseases such as Parkinson's' and arthritis.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.