8 Bonkers Hoaxes That Actually Fooled People

3. MalePregancy.com

Junior Arnie up the duff
Universal Pictures

The website MalePregnacy.com first surfaced in 1999 featuring the strange case of Mr. Lee Mingwei, who was supposedly the world's first pregnant man.

It was claimed that the embryo was implanted in Mr. Mingwei as an ectopic pregnancy, and that the baby would be delivered by caesarean section when doctors felt it was ready, but a firm date had not been decided. Despite the fact that the website stated this for a period of 16 years, this was apparently not obviously a hoax for many people.

The hoax was actually created by artist and filmmaker Virgil Wong as an elaborate art project, who claims that he was contacted by thousands of men hoping to fall pregnant themselves.

The original web address now redirects to the above YouTube video, which claims to be an excerpt from a documentary detailing Mr. Mingwei's pregnancy and, if the comments are anything to go by, the hoax is still alive and well.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.