8 Disturbing Facts About Human Evolution

7. Your Hands Evolved For Punching

Speaking of being punched in the face, your hands are the perfect punching tool. Evolution is basically a biological arms race over billions of years and, as the face got tougher, the fist got harder too. The adaptation that makes us good at making tools, the short palm and long fingers, also enables us to clench our hands in a fist. As simple as this action might seem, it's something that other apes cannot do. A clenched fist can deliver a much deadlier blow without hurting itself. When a human clenches its fist, the top pads of the fingers brace against the bottom pads and the thumb can wrap around the front. This creates a very compact and sturdy bludgeoning device, whereas a chimp's long palms would make their fist much weaker. Even just clenching one's fist can be a good tool for intimidation and can ward off attackers without having to engage. This is handy as, no matter how well evolved, punching someone still hurts like a mofo.
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