8 Eerily Accurate Predictions That Came True

6. Arthur C. Clarke: Literally, Everything, 1976

Okay, someone needs to check Arthur C. Clarke's belongings for a crystal ball or something, because he was just dropping predictions left, right and centre.

As well as pioneering communications satellites. Clarke envisaged a world in which paper communications are made digital, physical newspapers become obsolete, information could be accessed via a "central library" and tailored to personal interests.

He imagined HD computer screens attached to keyboards that could, amongst other things, be used to video call friends and colleagues, allowing people to work from home - basically, he more or less precisely predicted the modern world.

This was all 40 years ago, in the same year Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computer out of wood.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.