Being a single pringle ready to mingle, free as a bird, on the market, unattached and loving it, or in laymen's terms an undateable loser, I certainly know my way around a dating site or two. In the small time I've spent on websites, other than ones featuring nude women, I've seen every type of dating site profile known to man, so I certainly know the do's and don'ts about how to get the desired response although my marital status and a string of restraining orders would perhaps suggest otherwise. What I find staggering is the number of people making the same mistakes on dating sites, but they're still completely oblivious to why they aren't getting enough attention from men or women they like. I wish I could shake some of these people up and give it to them straight (giggity), but the only way I can reach such masses effectively is by telling you and them exactly how they're going wrong with their dating profiles. So without further ado, and with many a-dont's, here are some of the most embarrassing mistakes people make without even noticing where they're going wrong.
Crippy Cooke, 23, is a freelance Football Writer contributing to What Culture. He's had work featured on Zoo, MSN, London 24, The Telegraph, The Huffington Post, and was recently named Writer of the Year on FTBpro - while also a nominee for Best Male Blog in the Football Blogging Awards.