8 Famous Paranormal Photographs Debunked

2. Nessie At Last?

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Apple Maps

The famous "Surgeon's Photo" of Nessie popping her head out of the waters of Loch Ness has been so roundly debunked that even most Nessie believers acknowledge it to be a fake, but this image taken by and Apple Maps satellite still has plenty of people convinced.

It appears to show a large creature with huge, Plesiosaur-like flippers, but a head more like that of a whale. Another image was also captured by Google Maps which showed a similar shape in the water.

Surely a creature that can be seen from space can be nothing other that the Loch Ness Monster?

Unfortunately for Nessie hunters, both images turned out to depict the wake of a boat that was traversing the Loch at the time. The distinctive pattern perfectly matches the wake created by the Jacobite Queen - a tourist boat that makes regular trips across the loch.

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