8 Infuriating Customer Types Every Retail Worker Knows

1. The 5-Minute Pest

Jack Possibly the worst one on this list, The 5MP can ruin a perfectly good shift, or drive you over the edge. Just the sheer audacity a single individual can show by walking into a place, five minutes before the end of the day, whilst tills are being cashed and floors are being swept, and then have the collective testicular-fortitude to ask for something, is beyond me. The fact they do it with such disregard for common decency is worse than the majority of hate crimes. A truly horrid human being this, avoid at all costs by shutting the doors as soon as possible. Hopefully after all that we've had a collective exhale, but I welcome any and all stories in the comments, or additional Types you've encountered and would like to add in!
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Gaming Editor

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