8 Insane Doomsday Predictions That (Unsurprisingly) Didn't Happen

3. Preppers

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When it comes to the apocalypse, the survivalists, or "preppers", don't really have a specific date in mind, but gosh darn if they aren't prepared for it when it comes.

The prepping movement finds its base in American, but people around the world are doing it. The general idea is to be as prepared as possible for the day society falls apart, either by economic crisis, civil unrest, natural disaster or any other doomsday scenario you could think of.

The degree of extremity varies from person to person, but this usually includes stockpiling food and resources, collecting weaponry, building shelters, collecting survival equipment and regularly drilling the evacuation and survival procedure before SHTF (prepper slang for "Sh*t Hits The Fan" - basically when it all goes bang).

The ultimate goal is self sufficiency and survival without reliance on society or the government.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.