8 Reasons Why Earth 2.0 Is Super Exciting

4. Plants Could Exist There


Good news for those keen gardeners amongst you. Given the surface composition, the water and the sunlight, it's perfectly possible that plant life may thrive on the surface of KeplerĀ 452b. Even if there isn't anything living there with a few limbs and a face to do any gardening, an ecosystem of alien plant life is a hugely exciting prospect.

Due to the slightly larger size of its star, temperatures may even be a little warmer down there, so perhaps we'll discover lush rainforests, who knows?

If plants are discovered on the surface of the newly discovered planet, then this also massively increases the chance of other life forms. As far as we know, plants will produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis, allowing us to breathe here on Earth - and given the other similarities between our planets, there's a fairly good chance that it would work the same there too.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.