8 Science-Backed Reasons To Stuff Your Face With Chocolate This Easter
1. Chocolate May Help You Live Longer

Best news weve heard all week. Eating a moderate amount of chocolate has been linked with living slightly longer than those who abstain or those who eat it more than three times a week.
Although its difficult to be sure it was the chocolate that was responsible for this effect, and not something else, the antioxidants in cocoa can help protect cells from harmful molecules called free radicals, which may explain the observation.
All in all, its clear that chocolate can have beneficial effects on the body when eaten as part of a healthy and balanced diet, but shovelling too much of the stuff will undo much of the good because of the calories, fat, and sugar contained in the average bar. Become overweight, and youll be at risk of all sorts of health problems.
So sorry to rain on your parade, but relentlessly gobbling packets of mini eggs wont make your brain work better. Happy Easter!
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