8 Scientific Reasons Why You're Having One Of Those Days

2. Everything Is Going Wrong

Scott Pilgrim everything sux
Universal Pictures

When you're having One Of Those Days, it can seem as though anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, but it's actually all down to the way your brain is wired.

Study after study seems to find that humans are naturally predisposed to find the bad in a situation, it's what is known as a negativity bias. We process the bad much faster than the good and we're more likely to remember a negative experience than a positive one.

It makes sense on an evolutionary level, as it's probably a better survival strategy if you're paying attention to the things that could kill you, you're probably going to live long enough to pass on those genes.

Once you begin to notice these things, another little effect comes into play known as confirmation bias and the whole thing boils down the a deep rooted suspicion that someone out there is trying to ruin your life via the medium of leaky teapots and late buses.

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