8 Stephen King Characters Who Deserve Their Own Book

3. Tom Cullen

When it comes to The Stand €“ one of King's first forays into fantasy €“ Tom Cullen is easily one of the novel's most memorable characters. In fact, Cullen €“ who is a mentally handicapped man who previously lived with his mother and abusive father €“ is one of King's best characters in general, proving that all kinds of people regardless of health or mental prowess are complex, generous and have something valuable to offer. Kind and cheerful, Cullen meets Nick Andros after the The Plague ravages the town of May and renders him the last living resident. The two travel together and become close friends, and it's during this time that Tom's hidden characteristics rise to the fore. It transpires that Tom has a lot more to offer the group than is initially apparent, as he later shows off intellect and great psychic abilities while under hypnosis, referring to this part of himself as €œGod's Tom€. Exploring what exactly €œGod's Tom€ is and what its potential implications are would be a brilliant subject to explore. We're given a hint of Cullen's potential towards the end of his appearance in The Stand, but a whole story dedicated to Tom's future in The Boulder Free Zone would be terrific.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.