8 Strangest Stories About The Winchester Mansion

2. All The Ghost Sightings

The Hollywood Treatment
Winchester Mystery House

In the years following Sarah Winchester’s death, the house has become a hub for ghost-hunters and enthusiasts of the supernatural. Every year it attracts thousands of visitors and hosts special nights for Halloween. This has led to certain legends about the ghostly figures who wander lost in the maze of the Winchester Mystery House.

One popular spirit is the ‘wheelbarrow ghost’, said to be the spirit of a former construction worker. Sporting a mop of black hair, he’s been seen by tourists in the basement of the house, carrying a wooden toolbox or pushing a heavy wheelbarrow. It’s impressive commitment to his work, since those in the afterlife aren’t generally eligible for a salary. Other people working in the mansion have their own anecdotes too, from a ghostly tap on the shoulder to an invisible sigh in the ear. One thing is for sure - the mansion certainly is the perfect place for that ghostly ambience.


Jen Scouler is a writer and film critic based in Scotland. Some of her many obsessions include science fiction romance, historical drama and Lord of the Rings.